Women RISE Collective – What You Can Find There

I am an ambassador for the Women RISE Collective. A community of women helping women. We focus on a different aspect of wellness each month and have FREE content posted daily. In the past we have done financial, spiritual and emotional health. All previous months content is organized and available for anytime you want to access it. There really is no reason to not want to be a part of it!

This month we are focusing on social health and this week I am sharing my experiences and thoughts on parenting/co-parenting. Below is my post that I shared yesterday, just to give you an idea of what you can expect to find there. 9/10 times it will be a video, or live post – I just live in the bush and my internet sucks balls most days so a post was all that would work!

Today I will be sharing more about making co-parenting work and the best ways to do that – letting things go, communication is key and more.

Let me know if you’d like more information on how you can be included in the Women RISE Collective – comment or email me at jodywasserman@live.ca.
All women are welcome, and we’d love to have YOU.

SOCIAL HEALTH Week 2 Day 2 – Parenting/Co-Parenting


The word that no one wants to hear. But it comes up.

And then theres the dreaded question – but what about the kids? 

What about them? This decision doesn’t involve them (sure it affects them, but doesn’t need to involve them). We chose to get married, we can choose to get divorced. 

Staying together for the kids, that’s bs. Yes of course happy married parents is ideal and what everyone wants… but its not always realistic. 

My ex and I getting divorced is the best thing that ever happened to our kids. Why? Because we both became better parents. That’s not saying we weren’t good parents before, but we weren’t happy. If you aren’t happy in one aspect of your life, it trickles over to all aspects of your life. No matter how hard you try to not let it. And you may not even realize it, until things change and you look back. 

We got divorced and of course at first it was hard and sad and honestly the worst time in my life up until then… but then once I got past all that, I was happy. I was happy for the first time in a long while. And he was happy. Our children deserved this. They deserved happy divorced parents. Rather than together miserable parents. 

And because we didn’t ‘stay together for the kids’, we didn’t get to the point of hating each other, resenting each other, not being able to stand each other. Which now makes it all that much better for our kids since we get along, we do family things together. 

Now I am not in any way saying you should get a divorce – there is obviously way more to it then just the kids. I am just saying if you are staying together only for the kids, think about how that affects them. What that is teaching them about what a marriage looks like, about how in love couples treat each other, and what a family looks like. 

My kids don’t remember mommy and daddy being together, but I bet if you asked either one of them they would say we have the best family – its just one big blended family where everyone is happy. 

What I am trying to say is, kids don’t NEED their parents to be married, kids NEED their parents to be happy. Happy parents teach us more, have more fun with us, show us how relationships should be, and so much more. 

Anytime anyone says divorce is giving up, especially if you have kids I can’t help but point out that kids deserve happy parents – if that means happy divorced parents rather than miserable together parents- then thats what they deserve. 

Divorce was the best thing to happen to my kids.

I mean look at them, I’d say they are thriving wouldn’t you?

Much love,
Jody ❤

Why Are You Here?

If you’re reading this, chances are you know me and know most things about me. Because lets face it, no one reads a blog this new unless you’re a friend who feels like you should. But I promise it is going to be interesting! I mean I have a 6 and 8 year old who could probably have their own blog with the ridiculous things they say and do!

Anyways.. You’re here because you feel like you should…. I’m here because I have a million and sixteen thoughts going through my head on any given day and want somewhere to get them out. And maybe, something I put out there will help someone, or make someone laugh, or just make someone feel good.

Ok so who am I? Well my name is Jody… and like the tagline says I am a working mom who takes on too much… but for the most part I enjoy it (until I hit that panic moment of what in the hell was I thinking!? The aftermath of being a professional procrastinator). When I am not at my full time marketing assistant job you can usually find me coaching soccer, doing a photoshoot or editing photos, designing a logo, making crafts with my daughter, managing hockey, volunteering, driving my kids anywhere and everywhere, and when I have some spare time I might even get some family time in!

I will be sharing pretty much anything and everything – there will be no rhyme or reason to what I post or to how often I post. At least until I get the hang of this.

Today I am going to leave you with some random facts about me because why not

  • I love true crime and listen to true crime podcasts all day at work
  • I have 3 cats and a dog and their names all start with O – Otto, Oliver, Oscar and Ozzy!
  • I have loved photography my whole life and took a picture of Scarlett every single day of her first year of life (Noah… well second kid… you know how that goes)
  • I am scared of spiders, tornados/storms and the dark… heaven help me if there is ever a tornado full of spiders at night!
  • I live in the country and would love to get mini goats someday
  • Tomatoes are gross… that is all
  • I cut the grass today in sandals so now my feet are blacker than black but I swear they are clean!

Leave me a comment and let me know why you’re here! How you found me, why you bothered to read, why you think this blog is going to suck – anything! Haha, but seriously, don’t tell me that, because then we can’t be friends.

Happy Tuesday!

Much love,
Jody ❤